The Facebook Detox Challenge

Thursday, March 21, 2013

I have to try to take a pause from Facebook. This will be difficult because I utilize it as a quick, lickety-split procrastination tool while at work (shh, don't tell). It's the perfect break between tasks or 30-45 second pause when I need to refocus. But I'm quickly learning that it's not perfect and I need to experiment with a break-up. Why?

Well, I continuously use others as a gauge for myself. To some extent, I realize that it's impossible not to do this and that we are programmed to do this our whole lives. From the minute we are born at x weight and start talking at x months even though little Suzy started talking at x-3 months, it's always about comparison. While I absolutely treasure my many years spent in a dance studio, I realize that these years of looking in the mirror and seeing legs higher than mine, toes pointed better than mine, and pirouettes turning faster than mine meant that I was never looking at me for me.

For me, Facebook is today's mirror. I wish that I could embrace the status updates and photos of remote vacations and fresh babies and home purchases as just updates, but instead my brain says "why am I not traveling to Kazakhstan, birthing 22 children and buying a brick split-level on a cul-de-sac?" Now this is where it's complicated because I don't actually want those things. But Facebook, and I suppose society, are trying to tell me I do. Until I'm stronger and can embrace that maybe I don't, I'm going to take a break.

1 comment:

  1. I'll join you in the detox and everytime I have one of those thoughts you humorously describe I will send me you and all the FB folks xoxoxo oh don't let Simon know about the xoxoxo
