
Friday, January 4, 2019

I've had trouble with my birthday the past few years. Maybe it's the steady creep towards 40 or feeling unsettled in various aspects of life, but turning 37 and 38 were both a struggle. So I was a little trepidatious when 39 loomed at the end of December's calendar. 

It was great! We spent the extended weekend at the lake, our first time up north since early November. Pete and Sille joined us, we adventured to Portland for a visit to the art museum, played a bunch of games, ate delicious food (omg, Simon made sticky toffee pudding and it was spectacular), walked along the Cotton Valley Rail Trail, and took some tentative steps onto what we think was a solidly frozen Round Pond. It was relaxing, refreshing, fun, and peaceful. Getting old ain't so bad after all.

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