Organized Chaos

Friday, August 17, 2012

I'm a bit of a type-A organization freak in many parts of my life, including at work. Years ago, a boss required typed to-do lists at the beginning of every week and despite my reluctancy at the time, the idea stuck. First thing Monday mornings I type up my tasks and throughout the week, I amend the list as new directives come in, emails clog the inbox, and other work demands attention. I've been um, avoiding a few things over the summer and am now faced with this:

There are some proactive ways to deal with this. Like, you know, doing work at work as opposed to doing things like blogging....right.  Happy weekend!


  1. Ahhh just landed at the beach for the sunset.
    Enjoy your weekend and don't add anything else to
    That list!!!!! Maybe Pete could use it in an art installation!!!

  2. This looks pretty compared to mine!
