A Poem For A Wednesday

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Talking in Bed
Philip Larkin

Talking in bed ought to be easiest,
Lying together there goes back so far,
An emblem of two people being honest.

Yet more and more time passes silently.
Outside, the wind's incomplete unrest
Builds and disperses clouds about the sky,

And dark towns heap up on the horizon.
None of this cares for us. Nothing shows why
At this unique distance from isolation

It becomes still more difficult to find
Words at once true and kind,
Or not untrue and not unkind.

Ack! I don't really like this because it makes me sad and I'm a sadness avoider, but at the same time, it's just so well done that I can't help but to like it. I love the images of the wind building and dispersing clouds and the towns heaping up on the horizon. I suppose taking the time to be sad for a moment will help make the un-sad moments seem all the more un-sad. Um, I am contradicting myself but I think that is what the narrator is doing as he describes being close but actually quite far from someone he loves(d).

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