Places To Travel - Part One

Friday, August 16, 2013

Glacier NP in Montana

Whew, after some blah blah blah-ing about world issues, I'm dashing back to the safety of these blog post suggestions. In the meantime, I hope I haven't offended anyone.

The next suggested topic is "Describe five places you want to travel." This is basically an impossible task. 55...sure. 505...on it. But five is just ridiculous. I will try to stick to five but might cheat a little. Actually, I'm going to split these into different posts. Otherwise, you'll get carpal tunnel scrolling through the blabber.

I'll open with a sneaky way to adhere to the limit. I would like to see all of our 59 National Parks. Wouldn't this be a great way to travel this country??  Admittedly, I would skip the Cuyahoga Valley Park in Ohio and the tiny Hot Springs Park in an urban area of Arkansas (what?!) but there are a few that really kick my travel yen into high gear. Like those we didn't see in Alaska or the two in Hawaii (great excuse to go there!). Haven't been to the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone or many of the others out west that boast impressive mountain ranges. And what about the gorgeous parks chock full of lakes in Minnesota and Michigan's Upper Peninsula? Perhaps I need to stuff Simon and Merwin into an RV and hightail it outta here. That's not going to happen, but the idea of an annual trek to one of these great places is pretty tempting and would start checking them off the list a year at a time.

Wrangell St. Elias NP in Alaska
Zion NP in Utah


  1. These pictures are AMAZING! Thank you for posting and giving me a moment of deep breaths trying to take the spaciousness in. I am right there with you in wanting to experience all of these amazing places. If only the startrek beam me up contraption would become a reality...I could!

  2. Having done a National Park RV trip (though at a younger age) I highly recommend it. Also - the Grand Tetons - put it a top the list!
