Six Tips For Zen Commuting

Monday, November 3, 2014

#1 - Blinkers/directions are always optional, especially if you are making a last-minute decision to suddenly turn or change lanes. This keeps you and all drivers around you safe and calm.

#2 - Watching TV on your smartphone as you drive down a busy highway is a great way to entertain yourself when you have absolutely nothing else to do, nothing else to watch, and no other possible way to stay engaged in the world. This activity should be widely encouraged as multi-tasking becomes more and more imperative to our busy lives and being fully up-to-date on fictional tv shows becomes more and more vital to our survival.

#3 - Sometimes, particular models of cars have an inexplicable magnetic attraction to bumpers of other cars. Scientists have yet to figure this out and bright headlights in the midst of the dark night seem to set off this phenomenon more often than the daylight.

#4 - The lane you should be in at the time you need to exit from the highway or turn down the street will not be the lane you are in. In the vast majority of the country you may make eye contact with a driver in the lane to which you would like to change. It is advised that you give a small smile to let these kind drivers know you are indeed on the wrong part of the road. They will allow you in front of their vehicle and you will get home in time to enjoy a half hour with your loved ones before going to bed and repeating the process in five hours.* 

#5 - Always plan for a minimum of double the travel time particularly if you are commuting on a Monday or Wednesday. This is a simple calculation. For example, if your destination is one hour and eight minutes from your place of residence, the minimum time expected for you to be encased in your cozy home-away-from home is two hours and sixteen minutes. Please note that maximums are impossible to calculate.

#6 - #5 can be prevented! To do so, avoid travel between the hours of 5am to 10am and again from 3pm to 7pm. Plan all of your daily commuting needs to occur between the friendly hours of Midnight and 4am.

*If you are traveling in the area of Boston, MA please note that there will be no opportunity for you to properly shift into the correct lane in time to exit that highway or turn down that street. There will be no vehicle that will allow you into the next lane. As a matter of fact, if a driver in that adjacent lane sees that you wish to move into it, they may actually accelerate or decelerate to prevent you from doing so. Research demonstrates that this is unique to this area of the country.

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