Scenes From The Weekend

Sunday, April 5, 2015

At the last minute, we decided to take off Friday and head north. Simon's little brother (as in Big Brothers Big Sisters) joined us and as usual, no matter when we go or who we bring, it was beautiful and refreshing. The roads and paths were pretty muddy with heaps of snow still surrounding the cabin and bunkhouse. It was balmy on Friday - nearly 60! Despite the warmth, the lake was still frozen, though the surface was a bit slushy with a thin layer of water over the top. Felt secure enough to venture out on but that wasn't true at neighboring Great East Lake, where Merwin tested a sheet of ice near the shore, made it out aways, then broke through with a splash. Instinct kicked in and he managed to scramble out, but he did seem a bit shocked. Luckily it was shallow water and he was completely unscathed. Provided a good laugh for the rest of us.

It is hard to understand how this one place, this tiny little pin dot of a space, is just so perfect to us. In all of its simplicity, it is really everything and I am so thankful for it.

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