Scenes From The Last Few Weeks

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Catching up! Whirlwind month since moving to Portsmouth with an onslaught of draining happenings--packing, unpacking, furniture hunting, making the final trip to the Vineyard, selling the house, adjusting to the commute and new city, etc. etc. Lots of support all around which has been invaluable as well as a fun celebration of nuptials thrown in there too (congrats Lori and Adam!). Plus, pre-season hockey is upon us and playoff baseball started yesterday. And Merwin got a haircut! Happy October!


  1. Whoop! On the blog?! A highlight! Merwin looks like a young lass with his new doo... Look out ladies. Welcome to NH Friends! I know the transition has not been an easy one but I hope in time it brings you as much joy as living here as brought me!

  2. Merwin looks lovely in his new cut! :)

    1. Aw thanks Jane. Sending happy healthy and healing thoughts to you all. We love Piri!
