Like many people (or maybe I just tell myself that so I don't feel so strange), I'm more interested in "dark" works of art rather than things with a lighter or even comical focus. Literature, dance, poetry, opera--you name it, I prefer it in its tragic form. What really gets me is poetry that explores the ultimate in dark themes but also provides a glimmer of something lighter, often simply and subtly. Merwin has dozens of works that demonstrate this dynamic, but this one by Edwin Morgan, a Scottish poet who passed away last year, has been one of my favorites for a long time.
When You Go
Edwin Morgan
When you go,
if you go,
and I should want to die,
there's nothing I'd be saved by
more than the time
you fell asleep in my arms
in a trust so gentle
I let the darkening room
drink up the evening, till
rest, or the new rain
lightly roused you awake.
I asked if you heard the rain in your dream
and half dreaming still you only said, I love you.
I don't understand why you're attracted to "dark" art, especially knowing your personality. Your favorite color is yellow and you're upbeat, fun and have a great sense of humor. So why the "dark"? Only thing I can figure is you are subconsciously trying to balance your mind so latch on to the dark to balance the light.
Strange, right? I have a great sense of humor?! :)